What is the WHOIS service?The WHOIS service allows you to search public record data in relation to the owner and registrar of a domain name. Such information can be the name and the email address of the owner, the registration date, the expiration date and the name of the registrar.
You can use the WHOIS service for all extensions, such as those listed on the pricelist of Top.Host.
All personal details of the owner of a .GR domain name are protected by the Greek law and its appearance is prohibited on WHOIS searches.
As far as .EU extensions are concerned, the WHOIS search will return results only if the field "Company Name" is completed during the registration process. To hide your information, all you have to do is leave this field blank.
In case you have completed the field with the information of a natural person, you can send the corresponding ID with the request that the data are hidden in WHOIS searches. The request must be sent from the email address of the domain name owner to [email protected]. The technical department will then follow all the necessary procedures.
In case of a legal person, the name must be transferred to a natural person so that they cane be able to file the request for the concealment of data.