SSL Certificates
Choose between tens of SSL and SAN SSL certificates by GeoTrust, Symantec, Thawte, Comodo & Trustwave the one that fully covers your needs!
SSL Certificate Categories
DV certification ensures that, during the period that the SSL is activated, the exchange of information with this domain will be encrypted and secure. Provides certification at a basic level and to issue it, it requires only the certification of the domain name on which it is to be installed. The main advantage is its immediate activation, as it is activated within a few minutes. The only action required is a simple click on the approval email sent by the issuing authority, to the address of the domain owner.
SAN SSL Certificates
Do you want to protect more domain names? Choose the SAN SSL that better suits your needs!
The OV certification guarantees high level security during the exchange of information with the domain on which is activatesd. To issue an OV SSL, the certification of domain name owner and the company/organization that acts behind it, is required. The SSL is activated within 1-2 days from its order, after the company name and address is certified. For the successful completion of the process, the necessary information for the validation are received from bank or local government sources.
SAN SSL Certificates
Do you want to protect more domain names? Choose the SAN SSL that better suits your needs!
The EV certification guarantees the highest level of security, that a website can provide its users. The process of issuing an EV SSL requires the successful approval of 7 levels of certification that concern the exclusive ownership of the domain name, the validation of the headquarters, the natural and legal entity, its operation, the validation that the organization has actually itself for the SSL, as well as the natural and legal entity of its legal representative. The activation is completed within 10 days, as it includes the gradual certification and approval of a list of documents. An EV SSL confirms to the user that the company behind the website, in which they realise transactions, is certified according to strict standards.
SAN SSL Certificates
Do you want to protect more domain names? Choose the SAN SSL that better suits your needs!
How does an SSL work?
Establishment of a secure SSL connection
Monitoring of the SSL certificate
The SSL is checked for:
having been issued by a reliable authoritity
a unique session key for this particular connection
Finally, the server decodes the session key, using its private key and establishes a secure connection.
Secure Site Features
“Excellent know-how. A well-trained support team that is eager to help the customer. A feeling of security and trust on the provided services. High response level to any incident.”
- Ioannis Paraskevopoulos

“Reliable service with many add-on security tools for both the account itself in Top.Host and the sites hosted on servers, through automatic backups. It is easy to manage the plans and the communication with the support team was effective when needed.”
- Akis Kioupakis

“Instant response on problems that come up, efficient services and great adaptation to the changes of the tech field.”
- Dimitris Roditis

“We needed to migrate our eShop from another provider. Top.Host took over the process with no additional charge, quickly and got everything to work smoothly! Their support team is super awesome - I don't just recommend them, I am a huge fan!”
- Anastasia Aivazi