“Why do I need a fast website” is a question that many people ask in the modern digital world we live in. Maybe the content is the “king”, as Steve Jobs has written, but speed is probably the… “queen”! Everything is running at a crazy pace on the modern internet, so your website speed has to follow suit to deliver everything it promises.
No matter how attractive your website is to the eye, or how valuable its content is, how long do you believe a visitor would wait before leaving your site for a competitive one? Just think that if your loading speed is 3 seconds, then it is faster than 50% of the existing websites! Let’s see 5 reasons why your website should run at 100!
1. User Experience
User experience is an aspect that is increasingly taken under consideration lately by website owners, while it is one of the most crucial factors for good website speed. And it makes sense. The users are impatient, and given that they have a wide range of options, they are ready to leave at any time. If your website is loading slowly, the users become unhappy that they cannot find what they want. On the contrary, if your site loading time is good, the users derive satisfaction and appreciate it. So they can navigate smoothly and find what they want instantly without wasting time. And it all adds up to a great User Experience (UX), that will bring them back to your page.
2. Search Engine Ranking
Page load speed also plays an essential role for search engines. Google, for example, considers speed as a key ranking factor, and since the most popular search engine takes it into account, there is nothing else to think about. In fact, it offers you a free tool to measure the speed of your site. So, you can visit PageSpeed Insights and run a site speed test by Google. Speaking of Google, we have to inform you that the page speed load in Chrome has been getting faster since June launched the new promising Google Chrome 103.
A good site speed is also a significant factor in reducing the bounce rate – the percentage of people leaving your site without taking any action. And reducing the bounce rate is another crucial factor that will give you a better search engine ranking. Unfortunately, many SEO specialists focus more on other tactics and ignore load speed optimization leaving them wondering about the low ranking.
3. Conversion Rate
Conversions (purchase, registration, etc.) are of high importance for the sustainability of an online business. Clients visit most site pages if it loads fast, usually leading to more conversions and a higher conversion rate. If, however, the site loading speed is slow, then it is extremely likely that the customers will leave your eShop for another competitive one, even though they found the products they were looking for. And thus, they will not proceed to the much-desired conversion/purchase. And this translates into a drop in sales. Therefore, you understand that increasing the website loading speed is a must for your business.
4. Traffic
Increasing traffic is another good answer to why you need a fast website. A nice user experience provided by a fast website will bring the visitors back again and again, and they will spend more time there, resulting in a lower bounce rate. Moreover, a good User Experience, because of speed, brings even more social shares. Thus, your content will reach more people through social media, while your traffic will increase, leading to more potential sales.
5. Usability
Speed is a key factor to ensure better usability of a website. The shorter the loading time, the more it makes pleasant and friendly navigation for the users, as their interaction with the various site elements becomes easier and smoother. And that is why it always makes sense to run a usability test to determine how usable your website is.
The usability takes another dimension if you also focus on the speed optimization for mobiles, which become even more powerful and widespread for everyday tasks (reading, purchases, searches, etc.). It is remarkable that mobile traffic has dramatically increased the latest years. Mobile networks, of course, are still slow in many places worldwide, with the internet speed varying by region. So, it is good to know roughly where you stand regarding your provider, and speed measurement is always useful (as well as measuring the loading speed of your site, regardless of your internet connection). If you still doubt how many Mbps are good, do not hesitate to ask your provider and upgrade your speed if you think it is needed.
Why the loading speed of a website is important – Concluding
We believe we have given you plenty of good reasons to understand why you need a fast website. Concluding, the loading speed of a website is one of the most important things you should take care of. Thus, you will satisfy your online visitors to the fullest and will increase your profits.
The process is simple:
Find the loading speed of your website. If it is not satisfying, do your best to increase it and get a “turbo” website. If you like the article or you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below the article.
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